新崎君、岩崎君、板原君、紀平君が,VTC 2020-FALLで講演しました

IEEE VTC2020-Fallで新崎君、岩崎君、板原君、紀平君の論文が採択され,講演ビデオによる発表を行いました.

・Y. Kihira, Y. Koda, K. Yamamoto, T. Nishio, and M. Morikura, “Adversarial Reinforcement Learning-based Robust Access Point Coordination Against Uncoordinated Interference,” Proceedings of the 2020 Fall IEEE 92nd Vehicular Technology Conference, Victoria, B.C., Canada, Oct. 4-7, 2020.
・S Itahara, T. Nishio, M. Morikura, and K. Yamamoto, “Lottery Hypothesis based Unsupervised Pre-training for Model Compression in Federated Learning,” Proceedings of the 2020 Fall IEEE 92nd Vehicular Technology Conference, Victoria, B.C., Canada, Oct. 4-7, 2020.
・M. Iwasaki, T. Nishio, M. Morikura, and K. Yamamoto, “Transfer Learning-Based Received Power Prediction with Ray-tracing Simulation and Small Amount of Measurement Data,” Proceedings of the 2020 Fall IEEE 92nd Vehicular Technology Conference, Victoria, B.C., Canada, Oct. 4-7, 2020.
・M. Shinzaki, Y. Koda, K. Yamamoto, T. Nishio, M. Morikura, C.-H. Huang, Y. Shirato, and N. Kita, “Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Beam Tracking from mmWave Antennas Installed on Overhead Messenger Wires,” Proc. the 2020 Fall IEEE 92nd Vehicular Technology Conference, Victoria, B.C., Canada, Oct. 4-7, 2020.



  • 香田優介,山本高至,西尾理志,守倉正博,“差分プライベートなOver-the-Air演算を実現する送信電力制御の提案,” 信学ソ大, B-5-30, Sept. 2020.
  • 角南智也,西尾理志,山本高至,守倉正博,“カメラによる物体検出を用いたRSSI位置推定用学習データ自動生成,” 信学ソ大, B-5-21, Sept. 2020.
  • 西尾理志,”Sim-to-Real in Wireless: 電波伝搬シミュレータを用いた 少数データからの受信電力予測モデルの学習,” 信学ソ大, AT-1-3, Sept. 2020.

吉田君が国際会議 IEEE ICCで発表しました

2020年6月7日〜11日にオンライン開催された国際会議 IEEE ICC にてM2の吉田くんが発表しました。

N. Yoshida, T. Nishio, M. Morikura, K. Yamamoto, R. Yonetani, “Hybrid-FL for Wireless Networks: Cooperative Learning Mechanism Using Non-IID Data,” Proc. IEEE ICC 2020, Online, June 2020.

香田君の論文がIEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networkingに掲載

D3 香田君の論文が,IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networkingに掲載されました.

  • Y. Koda, K. Nakashima, K. Yamamoto, T. Nishio, and M. Morikura, “Handover management for mmWave networks with proactive performance prediction using camera images and deep reinforcement learning,” IEEE Trans. Cogn. Commun. Netw., vol.6, no.2, pp.802-816, June 2020.