2015年12月6~10日に米国サンディエゴで開催されたGlobecom 2015に
(1)Y. Oguma, R. Arai, T. Nishio, K. Yamamoto, and M. Morikura, “Proactive Base
Station Selection Based on Human Blockage Prediction Using RGB-D Cameras for
mmWave Communications,” Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Global Communications
Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, Dec.6-10, 2015.
(2)K. Funabiki, T. Nishio, M. Morikura, K. Yamamoto, D. Murayama,
T. Yamada, and K. Nakahira, “Throughput and Fairness Improvement for
WLANs with Long Propagation Delay Coexisting with Conventional WLANs,” Proceedings
of the Globecom 2015 Workshop on Enabling Technologies in Future Wireless
Local Area Network (ETFWLALN) , San Diego, CA, USA, Dec.6-10, 2015.
T. Yamada, T. Nishio, M. Morikura, and K. Yamamoto, “Experimental evaluation of IEEE 802.11ad millimeter-wave WLAN devices,” Proc. the 21st Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC 2015), pp.278-282, Kyoto, Japan, Oct. 2015.
S. Kamiya, K. Nagashima, K. Yamamoto, T. Nishio, M. Morikura, and T. Sugihara, “Performance evaluation of overlap mitigation through spatial adaptive play for dense WLANs,” Proc. the 21st Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC 2015), pp.386-390, Kyoto, Japan, Oct. 2015.
Y. Oguma, T. Nishio, K. Yamamoto, and M. Morikura, “Implementation and evaluation of reactive base station selection for human blockage in mmWave communications,” Proc. the 21st Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC 2015), pp.199-203, Kyoto, Japan, Oct. 2015.
T. Ohto, K. Yamamoto, K. Haneda, T. Nishio, and M. Morikura, “Generalized PF scheduling for bidirectional and user-multiplexing unidirectional full-duplex links,” Proc. the 21st Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC 2015), pp.359-363, Kyoto, Japan, Oct. 2015.
N. Iida, T. Nishio, M. Morikura, K. Yamamoto, T. Nabetani, and T. Aoki, “Frame length optimization for in-band full-duplex wireless LANs,” Proc. the 21st Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC 2015), pp.354-358, Kyoto, Japan, Oct. 2015.